Saturday 13 July 2019


   I have had the pleasure of meeting so many amazing people through the energy work that I do. I am so grateful to all who have come and shared their story and energy with me. Many of you have become beloved friends who always bring a smile to my face when I think of you and are someone I look forward to spending time with during each and every session. Thank you for your faith and I honour the hard work you do to be your best self!
   We are in such a brilliant time of change on the planet. Everything is being moved and shifted and placed in front of us in ways never seen before. This is good. This is why we all came to be on the planet at this time. To be a witness and participant in the change.
   The native peoples of Peru, America and Tibet all shared a common prophecy unbeknownst to each other. They saw time in blocks of 500 year cycles. According to them we finished a 500 year cycle in 1993 approximately, a cycle of conflict and dishonesty. The Inca of Peru, the Qero people now, believe that we are currently in the time of "The world turned upside down" which is a necessary time of chaos needed to expose all of the hidden issues so that they can be dealt with. This period which they feel should end by 2025 to 2030 will lead into the next 500 year cycle of peace.  That belief makes my heart smile.
   We can all do our part starting with ourselves. Begin by healing our bodies, emotions and energies. Being conscious of and responsible for our thoughts and emotions is an important place to start. If our thoughts become focused on the worrisome or negative it will end up being reflected back to us. We are always shown what we expect to see, so why not expect to see the best?! As you do things that bring you satisfaction and joy that will be reflected out to your loved ones and to the cosmos and more will be sent your way. As you heal, your children heal. As you find peace within your self and your life, the earth finds peace. It all begins with each of us. Discover new ways to smooth out the ruffles in your life, to play more and worry less, to refresh your body with some energy work or a walk through the wood or a swim in a beautiful blue lake. The joys of summer for those of us who live in the north. Take advantage of every moment and be conscious of all that is. Blessings to all of you!!